How office design can help you build the culture you want

People are moving in, around, and out of the office. We no longer need to be at our desk to get our work done. Furniture moves, desks, chairs, and tables are flexible, lightweight, and can be easily reconfigured. The furniture can take on many different functions,...

Collaborative Beautiful Workspaces

Beautiful office spaces work wonders when courting new clients or impressing investors. But innovative workspaces play another vital role in corporate ecosystems which is attracting and keeping talent. When your favorite candidates for your open positions walk into...

The 5 Biggest Mistaked to Avoid When Buying New Office Furniture

The 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Buying New Office Furniture: Purchasing office furniture requires practical considerations beyond aesthetics. It may look nice but your employees go home with neck aches every day or aren’t productive in the space. By avoiding a...