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The 5 Biggest Mistaked to Avoid When Buying New Office Furniture

The 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Buying New Office Furniture: Purchasing office furniture requires practical considerations beyond aesthetics. It may look nice but your employees go home with neck aches every day or aren’t productive in the space. By avoiding a...

Rise & Shine for Well Being…

Rise and your body will thank you. Standing desks are not new, Winston Churchill used one and Thomas Jefferson designed his own. Most of us know that sitting 8 hours is not healthy because our body tells us so. Stand up every hour and stretch. Walk and deliver that...

Inspiring Meeting Areas

Impromptu meeting areas: think of them as a hybrid between lounge and conference areas. Though these spaces are like lounges, they are not strictly made for sitting around and doing nothing, but rather a place where employees can come together and discuss ideas or...

PanelX by Design Source

Introducing PanelX Post and Beam System. The PanelX post and beam system is an architectural framework that allows for 360 degree planning flexibility. PanelX utilizes a mixture of both desking and panel systems, providing the best of each system and overcoming their...

Office Noise

Office Noise, Health and Safety Noise as an occupational hazard Even at low levels, unwanted sounds can constitute health and safety hazards by increasing stress levels, and impairing communication and concentration. Sudden unexpected noises can startle and cause...